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Week Two


Week Two

This week went much better in general. We have quicker mornings and get class started well. Breakfast and lunch have become efficient. I’ve done a lot of fun activities in my class (Twister, board races, rainbow chains). While I love my days, I’m starting to feel the wear of it all and becoming quite burnt out by weekends. It’s hard keeping my patience with team members and even the other teachers so if I’m on your minds lately, pray for energy and patience.

Okay to the fun stuff. Here’s some of my students (and some little friends too young for school).

As always, I got to see Widbelline and Booboo (his real name is Estande) from the village. They’re kind of my “littles”.

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Here’s Woodley, a hurricane of adorable energy. He’s got us all around his little finger and knows it too.

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Some work from my student, Moses. I told them that they need to write what they want to be and why. It was a classic 15 year old trying to skip the hard part.

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Here’s Widlene. She’s a doll but she’s also fearsome thing; the first one to always challenge the boys and win.

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Shneilove who has sass for miles.

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Davidson who likes to make people smile.

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Jerry, who fought nature itself to be a kind, caring teenager. He’s a really good kid.

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Estherlove who has all but stolen my heart. He’s a very eager learner.

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Louis-Christo, who refused to smile for the picture because he thought he wouldn’t look cool. He’s secretly not-so-secretly one of my favorites.

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Moses. Geez, what can I say about Moses. He’s a sweet, sweet kid who is so good at English that he can crack jokes and sarcasm. He likes to call me “Trouble Maker”. He’s pretty hilarious.

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Some other fun things that have been going on this week: Expanding my kreyol and becoming conversational, going to a former sugar cane factory turned restaurant for a relaxing dinner, bartering at the metal market in Port-au-Prince (and getting better deals because of my kreyol), playing at the village, and trying kineps for the first time (think of a texturey dry eyeball that tastes both sweet and sour).

I’ll do a post next week and if you have any questions, please ask!

As always,


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