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Pâques in Connecticut


Alternative Titles: Adventures in Unexplored America and Overwhelming Generosity


In France, I took many little trips on the weekends. I explored each place with fervor, reveling in the wondrous sense of discovery. I knew that my time in France was limited so I wanted to see and appreciate all that I could.

Here in the States, I’ve dealt with a lot of boredom. It’s been a real struggle, especially because I’m stuck on campus due to my lack of a car. But I’ve come to appreciate the fact that my adventures don’t stop on this side of the Atlantic.

America is huge and I’ve yet to explore half of it. I really am at an advantage not have ever been to New England before this. I get to experience so much for the first time. Next week, I’ll be hitting up the beach here, which I’ve never done in good weather. I get to go into two-hundred-year old places constantly, which I didn’t get to in the Midwest (we just don’t have that type of history). Everywhere I go has such rich cultural and historical background. It’s all rather fascinating.

Anyway, I got to go to Connecticut, a state that I only drove through on my way to and back from Spring Break. And it was lovely.

I stayed with some family friends who went to our church back in Indiana and whose daughter was our babysitter (there’s an infamous story of me somewhat accidentally scarring her forever- I’ll have to tell that at another time). They were just the most wonderful hosts and genuinely, truly good people.They showed me all the little finds of their very small town, Woodstock. We went to their idyllic church for Good Friday and Easter morning. It was a very humble experience in comparison to the Midwest mega-church productions.

We went antiquing and got tea at the most adorable little British tea shop. We ate at their little family establishment, Sweet Evangelina’s, where I ate potato pizza (which was amazing, geez I love potatoes). We had an Easter get-together with a family from their church, who were all very sweet. I got to snuggle with their two little dachshunds, Putnam and Bracket, and watch Jimmy Fallon. I was living the dream!

Anyway, I feel like I really lucked out for Easter. I not only got to see another part, both geographically and in the daily lives, of America, I also got to see God’s provision. I didn’t get trapped on campus! I got to sleep and eat! I really enjoyed myself! I really scored (as seen as the picture below)!

So I guess what you, lovely reader, should take from this ill-prepared, lazy-afternoon post is that things work out. And even in your deepest, monotonous rut, there is still so much to discover and take joy in. Even if it’s a walk past cow fields in Woodstock, Connecticut.

Til next time.

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